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Thomas WillisPlain and easie method for preserving (by God's blessing) those that are wellfrom the infection of the plague : or any contagious distemper in city, camp, fleet, &c. and for curing such as are infected with it ; written in the year 1666.A Plain and Easie Method FOR Preserving [by God’s Blessing] Those that are WELL from the Infection of the PLAGUE, AND For Curing such as are Infected With it. Written in the Year 1666 By Tho. Willis, M.D. late Sidney Professor in Oxford, and a Member of the Royal Society and College of Physicians in London. Never before Printed. LONDON, Printed for W. Crook, at the Green-Dragon, without Temple-Bar. 1691
Libellum hunc de Peste, dignum judicamus, qui Imprimatur. Gualt Charleton, Praeses Collegii Regalis Medicor. Londinenf.
In comitiis Censoriis ex Edibus Collegii nostri.
To theREADER.Good Reader, Having been hitherto averse from Publishing any of Dr. Willis's Posthumous Works, because it may be presum’d that they want his last Hand to compleat them; and for that Reason, giving no ear 'til now to any Entreaties of that kind, though never so powerful, or never so importunate: I think myself obliged to give the World some Account why I alter’d my mind as to this particular, and did at length suffer myself to be prevail’d with to Print the following Treatise, it being now Fifteen Years after his Death; and it is briefly this: A worthy Friend and an old Acquaintance of mine, desiring if I knew of, or could procure any choice and approv’d Receipts against the Plague, that I would furnish him with some for a Friend of his, for the preservation of whose Health he had singular concern, and who was going in the late Embassie to Constantinople, where that Distemper then was, and did frequently rage: I promis’d to use my utmost endeavors to supply him; and calling to mind this short Tract, which I transcrib’d from the Doctor's Papers in the Year 1666, being then his Amanuensis; I knew it would far exceed whatsoever I could elsewhere obtain, or pretend to collect upon this Subject: Whereupon I allow’d him to take a Copy of it for his Friend's use, upon condition he would not make it publick. But not long since a suspicious Sickness having seiz’d their Majesties Army in Ireland, the same Person was very much of opinion, that the Printing of it might do great service, should that Disease prove Pestilential; and urged such Arguments, as made me to be also of the same perswasion; especially, he having shew’d the Copy to several of the most eminent Physicians amongst us, whose opinion it was, as he affer’d me, that the Publishing of it might be of very great use, it being a charitable instruction in cases of great danger, for such as cannot procure the attendance of Physicians: I must needs own, that I could not withstand the judgement of such Persons. The regard I have always had, and shall still have for the Reputation and Memory of my dear Master, and best Friend, will not, I presume, be thought to lessen, by my giving way upon these terms to this Publication; since it is so earnestly desir’d, and so well esteemed of: And the Good that is aim’d at by it can be no ill Apology for
St. Martins-Lane F. Hemming Sept. 1, 1690 September 1690
Chapter OneA Plain and EasieMETHOD, etc.In time of Pestilence, because a Physician cannot easily, or often, be consulted with; Therefore it behoveth all Persons, as well Poor as Rich, to be furnish’d with Remedies against that Contagious Disease; and certain Rules, or a Method how to use them: Which Method being very plain, and almost the same to all People, consists chiefly in these two Parts, viz. How to Preserve the Whole from taking Infection; and how to cure the Sick that are infected. Touching the First; though the surest way is to fly from it, yet in regard this cannot be done by all, some Means should be us’d to secure (so far as it is possible) those that are forced to stay by it. Such Means of Prevention, either concern the Publick Magistrate, which are already sufficiently known, and commonly practis’d in all places that are infected, and it would be superfluous to repeat them here; Or else such as belong to private Persons, what ways every Man that lives in, or near an infected place, may arm himself against the danger of Contagion; Which should be endeavor’d, as well by purifying the Air we breathe, as also by fortifying our selves against taking the Infection at our Nostrils, Mouth or Pores of the Body, which are the chiefest, if not the only parts the Poison creeps in at. That the Air we breathe in may be wholesome, all Things, that may advance or add to the corruption of it, should diligently be removed; our Houses, and Streets kept clean; all Filth, and whatever may cause noisom smells, be taken away; and amongst other things, the smell of Sope-Suds, and Lye, in the washing of Clothes, be avoided; this Experience has taught to be very dangerous; as 'tis observed by Diemerbroek and Vander Heyden. Besides the suppressing of Vapours that may increase the infection of the Air, it is to be purg’d of that Malignity it brings with it from other infected places; and this is done by great Fires, which should be continually kept, except the Weather be too hot, and by Fumes of Sulphur, Nitre, Frankincese, Pitch, Rosin, Tarr, and the like, which every day should be burnt in the Room we most frequent, also before our Doors, and on the tops of our Houses. Of simple Medicines to be us’d for this purpose, Brimstone is commended for the best that is; ‘Tis likely that Vitriol, which partakes much of the like acid Spirit, may be very proper; but in regard ‘tis not easily combustible, make this mixture, and strew of it on Coals in a hot Chafing dish.
Some commend Slakeing of Lime, supposing the fume that ariseth from it, may purifie the Air: ‘Tis possible, if this be done with Vinegar, either simple, impregnated with Alexipharmacal Medicines, it may be more effectual. Next to the cure of the Air, to render that as wholesom as we can; we must arm ourselves against taking in that Malignity, which (notwithstanding all means of purifying it) shall still remain mixt with it. Now because the Spirits are commonly the first that receive Infection; We must fortifie them, that they may not easily admit the approaches of their Enemy, which when they are in full vigor and expansion they will repel, and as it were keep off at a distance; Therefore Wine and Confidence are a good Preservative against the Plague: But when the Spirits, through fear, or want of supply, do recede and are forc’d to give back, the Enemy enters, and first seizeth them, and thence gets into the Blood and Humors; Therefore much fasting and emptiness are bad: But every one should Eat and Drink at convenient Hours, in such manner and measure, as may always keep the Spirits lively and chearful, and endeavor to compose his Mind and Affection against fears and sadness. But beside keeping the Spirits in good height, and more especially when that cannot be done, as in Persons that are naturally fearful, and of a tender Constitution, as the Spirits should constantly, as it were, be kept arm’d with such Remedies as resist the Poyson; that is, the use of proper Antidotes against the Plague. I shall set down some Preservatives to be taken of every Morning, and again at Night, by those that live in infected places.
For the Poorer Sort, that Medicine of the Ancients, may be proper, viz.
This Medicine may be several ways advanc’d, by adding some Alexipharmacal Remedies to it, as by putting Salt of Wormwood instead of common Salt, and by adding an Ounce of Venice Treacle, to the whole Composition. For those that cannot take an Electuary, these Tablets may be proper to eat, about one Dram at a time, two or three times a day.
For some that are of a hotter Constitution, and a high Sanguine Temper, it may be proper to take every Morning a spoonful of Pestilential Vinegar in a little Carduus water, or plain Wallnut water; or else drink a draught of Posset-Drink, made with a Spoonful of that Vinegar. Let the Pestilential Vinegar be made thus.
When the Stomach, by frequent taking of one fort of Antidote, begins to loath it: In such Cases the use of it may be changed into some other: And if the Stomach withal should be ill, and defective, in Appetite and Digestion; let the Party take every Morning, ten or twelve Drops of Elixir Proprietatis, in plain Wormwood Water, or else Wormwood wine. Those that have Coughs, and ill Lungs, may take five or six Drops of Balsum of Sulphur, made thus.
Or else this Balsam may be made with Spiritus Theriacalis Camphoratus, and so will be more effectual against the Plague. Or which is more applicable to use,
Though Purging in time of Pestilence is not good, as Diemerbroek by frequent Examples has observ’d, yet in Cachochymick Bodies, it may be convenient once in a fortnight, to take a Dose of Pillulae Ruffi; Take half a Dram at Night, and next Morning take the wonted Antidote, as at other times. Also for those that live in an infected Air, that there is suspicion that they may daily take in some pestiferous Vapours, which fermenting with the Blood and Humours, may insensibly at last break out in the Plague; it may not be amiss, once or twice a week, to take a pretty large Sweats in their Beds: And this to be done, especially if the Party has had any occasion whereby he may suspect himself to have been more open to infection, or that he has taken any: After such Sweat he should keep his Chamber the forepart of the day, till the Pores are reduc’d to be as they were before.
Besides the daily and constant use of such Alexipharmacal Remedies, there are other Means, which occasionally and sometimes continually should be taken. For in regard we always draw in the Air at our Nostrils and Mouth, these parts should be well guarded with some Antidotes, that may keep out the poysonous Vapours from entring in, and especially as often as often as upon occasion we are more nearly expos’d to danger of Infection. To this end, some things to smell to, others to be held in the Mouth, chew’d, and swallow’d down, are frequently to be insisted on. That which seems at once to fulfil most of these intentions, is taking of Tobacco in a Pipe; the Smoke of this secures those parts which lye openest, and at once intercepts the Contagion from the Brain, Lungs and Stomach; Nay more than this, it stirs the Blood and Spirits all the Body over, and makes them shake off any poysonous Matter that adher’d to them: insomuch that Diemerbroek accounts it not only a Preservative, but tells us, that himself, when he was several times infected, by taking five or six Pipes of Tobacco together was presently cur’d. And amongst us in England ‘tis reported, That in the last great Plague, no Tobacco- Shop was infected: If ‘tis not of so great virtue still amongst us, the reason is, because most Men have been accustomed to take it excessively; wherefore it is grown so familiar to them that it produceth no alteration when it should be us’d as an Antidote. Besides the frequent use of Tobacco, which doubtless in time of Plague may be profitable for them that can take it; others, and also Tobacconists, at sometimes should be furnished with something to smell to when they pass through infected Places. Wormwood and Rue, Galbanum, Castor and Vinegar are good: The vulgar practice of putting Mithridate, or Treacle, or Tar in their Nostrils, may be very useful: or to have a Pomander to carry in ones hand, or put into the top of a Staff.
Part of this may be enclos’d in a fine Silk Bag, and oftentimes dip it in Pestilential Vinegar, and so smell to it. To the other part of this, add Oyl of Nutmegs by Expression, and Oyl of Cap-ivy, of each a Dram, or as much as will make it into a Mass; also add of Balsam of Peru one Scruple. Dip Cotton Wool in Elixir Proprietatis, inclose it in fine Silk, and put it in the head of a Staff, or Civet Box, to smell to. For Medicines to hold in the Mouth, and to chew on, Roots of Zedoary, Contrayerva, and Snakeweed are very good; also Roots of Enulacampane, Angelica, and Masterwort; these either alone, or macerated in Vinegar, and dried again. Myrhh is very excellent: Some commend Tobacco, and chew it almost continually. These are the chiefest Remedies which help to keep Infection out of the Body. There is yet another sort which serves to let it out, and carry it away, before it grows to a head, viz. Issues, which have been found by often experience to be good Preservatives in time of Plague: For as much as Nature having a constant vent for the excrementitious matter thrown off the Blood, by the same way expels poysonous Atoms soon after they are receiv’d into the Body. Concerning Rules of Diet I need not say much, because such Precepts are commonly known: ‘Tis to be observ’d in general, that only wholsome Food should be taken: Very salt Meats, as hang’d Beef, Bacon, Pork, salt Fish, also shell-Fish, most kind of Herbage and raw Fruit should be avoided. The Meals should be moderate, and eaten in due season. Some Antidotal Things may be taken with the Meat, or mix’d in the Sauce; Clove Gilloflowers pickled, also Citron Peel and Juice, Raspberries, Currants, Pomegranate Juices, Pestiliential Vinegar, and Mustard, made with the Seeds of Thlaspi, may be of some good effect. These kind of Remedies, and manner of living, ought chiefly to be insisted on as Preservatives against the Plague. Those that are timorous and of tender Constitutions require a support from the use of more means; whereas Persons that are strong, and of a bold temper, have need of the less Remedies. But ‘tis not safe for any to be so confident as to dare to converse with infected People, or live in the midst of Contagion without any Antidote at all. In the use of means, caution is to be had, that strong and hot Cordials be not too often taken, not yet indifferently by all People; for that will inflame the Blood, and make it apt to kindle a Fever, which at such times soon turns to the Plague. The like caution is to be had against immoderate drinking of Wine; though moderate proportion chears and fortifies the Spirits, yet too much greatly disorders them and thereby People are more expos’d to take Infection. Letting of Blood in time of Plague has been observ’d to be very pernicious; so also oft or strong Purging; or the Veins being emptied either way, will readily suck in whatever poysonous Atoms lurk in the outward Pores of the Body, which being admitted, become the more prevalent, because the Spirits being depauperated, are less able to subdue or repel them. Thus much of the way of Preservation: Next we are to treat of the Cure of those that are infected. The Cure of the Plague admits of no Delay; neither indeed is there need of any deliberation what ought to be done; but as soon as any one finds himself infected, let him forthwith take to his Bed, and having pray’d to Almighty God for his Blessing, begin to use the Means. If the Party is much oppress’d at his Stomach, and strains to vomit, or else with vomiting throws up bitter and stinking Matter; let him presently take a large draught of Carduus, or Camomile Posset-Drink, and in it either half a Dram of Salt of Vitriol, or two Ounces of Liquor of Squills, and with his finger or a Feather, fetch up what is contain’d in his Stomach; but take no Antimonial Medicine, that will work beyond the Stomach. As soon as he has vomited, [or if there is no occasion for this Evacuation] let him presently be put into a Sweat, and continue for twelve hours, more or less, according as his strength will hold out, and not sleep in it, or not till the latter end of it. If when he begins to Sweat, or endeavours it, his Vomiting still persists, then apply to the pit of the Stomach a Toast of White-Bread, spread over with Treacle or Mithridate, and dipt in Claret-Wine or Pestilential Vinegar, made Scalding hot in a Peuter Dish; Wrap this in fine Linnen, and apply it very hot. After a plentiful Sweat for twelve, fourteen, or eighteen hours, give him some Refective, as Broth, Caudle, Mace-drink, or the like; and a little while after suffer him to sleep if he can. Then give him temperate Cordials by way of Confection or Julep, or both; which repeat every third or fourth hour: Also at the time that the Party settles to sleep, lay Vesicatory Plaisters behind the Ears, and under the Arm-pits, and also in the Groin. After he has slept, or endeavour’d it, and his Spirits are pretty well refresh’d, at a moderate distance from the first sweating viz. Eighteen, or Four and Twenty hours, sooner or later, according as Symptoms are more or less urgent, and his strength is able, repeat the Sweating again; and so proceed through the whole Cure; one while Sweating, and another while refreshing his Spirits by temperate Cordials and Sleep; betwixt whiles administring fit Nourishment, until such time as the Symptoms are abated wholly, and either the Disease terminated, or else the Malignity is driven all out in Boyls or Carbuncles; which how they must be order’d, shall be set down. Though the same kind of Sudorificks may be given indifferently to most People, yet because there is a variety of such Medicins in respect both of the Matter and Form of them, therefore some choice may be had in the administration of them, that so we may comply with the Patient’s taking them best in this or that kind of Form; and also that those that are hotter be given to Persons of a cold Temper, and those Medicines which are more temperate to such whose Constitutions are hot: I shall set down several Forms of Sweating Medicines, which are given either in Potion, Bolus, or Pouder. Potions
For the Poorer sort, make Posset-Drink with Pestilential Vinegar, and boyl in it some Butter-Roots, and give a Draught hot. Or make this Potion which henricus a Bra magnifies above all other Remedies, from the Experience of it in a great Plague once raging in his Country.
Some others commend a Decoction of Guaiacum, to provoke Sweat with it, as in the cure of the French Pox. A plain decoction of Rue in White Wine, with a little Vinegar added to it, is highly commended by others. Seeds of Rue pouder’d, and one Dram of it mix’d with half a Dram of Treacle, dissolv’d with White-Wine, is accounted an excellent Sudorifick. Sudorifick Medicines may be given in Pouder thus.
Give any of these in a Spoonful or two of any Liquor, or in a Spoonful of Sack, with as much Pestilential Vinegar; half an hour after, drink a draught of Posset-Drink with Medesweet, or Woodsorrel boyl’d in it.
If the Patient can best take his Medicine in a Bolus.
When many people are sick, and there is not leisure to compound every Dose of these Medicines severally, there should be a large mixture of each kind made up together, which may immediately, and without trouble be distributed into Doses. Mix a Pouder thus.
For and Electuary to be distributed into several Doses, that of Hermannus Vander Heyden is a very good one, and as he asserts, approved by frequent Experience.
In time of Sweating, give the Patient Posset Drink made with Pestilential Vinegar; boyl in the Milk Scordium or Marigold Flowers; if he is very dry, boyl Medesweet, or Wood Sorrel; if he is ill at Stomach, and apt to vomit or faint, give Claret Wine burnt with Cinnamon and Zedoary Root, and Mint Water mix’d with it: Or else give him Beer boyl’d with a Crust of Bread and Mace, and Sweetn’d with Sugar. Besides, to the richer sort give now and then a draught of a Cordial Julep, and sometimes a Dose of a Cordial Electuary; which kind of Medicines should be given likewise after Sweating is over, once in three or four hours, of one or other, to refresh the Spirits, and to keep the Malignity from the Heart. Give him no cold Beer in two or three days. After Sweating wash the Mouth with White-wine vinegar and Rose Water: Also dip a spunge in the same warm, and gently stroke the Temples of the Head, and Nostrils with the same. Between whiles give of the Medicines following.
Or make a Decoction thus.
Whereas we give Emulsions made with such decoction and Almonds, and cold Seeds in fevers, Diemerbroek affirms, upon his frequent Observation, Emulsions never do well in the Plague.
Sometimes the Plague is accompanied with dangerous Symptoms, to which if Remedies are not suddenly applied, all we do besides is to little purpose. Such Accidents, which call for respective ways of Cure, are chiefly Fluxes of Blood, and Loosness of the Belly, and Vomiting. The first use to happen several ways, viz. At the Nose and Mouth, by Stool or Urine, by the Hemorrhoids, and in Women by Menstrual Purgations: Some of which, as by Urine always, and oft-times by Stool, are mortal; none of them ever tend to good. Therefore in all such cases, Remedies must be administred which may stop Bleeding: and though Sweating and Refection of the Spirits be still the principal intention of Cure; yet the other must come in as collateral with both of them; and Medicines that restrain Fluxes of Blood be mixed both with Sudorificks and other Cordials, and also be administred with Diet too. In all Hemorrhages Sudorificks must be compounded of Medicines that are temperate, and not astringent. For Potions they be made thus
Make this Apozeme; and give two or three ounces three or four times in a day.
Or Pouders may be compounded thus.
Make a Bolus thus.
For Juleps and Confections, to give in, and betwixt Sweating they may be compounded thus.
These kinds of Remedies, which are proper in Haemorrhages, are also to be used in Fluxes of the Belly; likewise by Women with Child, because other more hot Medicines may provoke an Abortion. Make Tormentil Vinegar thus.
In the Cure of the Plague, if a course of Sweating, timely administered, do plentifully succeed, and withal other private Excretions be either prevented or presently supprest, The Patient may be judg’d to be in a hopeful condition; and sometimes the Venom is quite expell’d, without any other accident: But for the most part, because the Poyson, by fermenting the Blood and Humours, is soon greatly increas’d; so that all of it, especially the grosser Particles, cannot easily evaporate, it settles in the outward Parts, and there causeth the swelling and breaking out of divers kinds: Those that require any application of Remedies, are Boils and Carbuncles. The first of these commonly happen in Parts that are very Glandulous; as behind the Ears, under the Armpits, and in the Groin: They arise with a hard Swelling, which ought to suppurate and break, and the Corruption to be drawn all out, by the running of the Sore for some time: These Tumors call’d Bubo’s, should be ordered thus. If a Blister is not rais’d on, or near the place already, ‘tis good to apply a Vesicatory Plaister just below it, but on the Tumor it self to apply some drawing Medicine, to attract the Venom outward; as at first, the Fundament of some living Fowl, or else a Colewort-Leaf dipt in scalding Water, and dried again, and smear’d over with Oyl of Lillies orScorpions. To ripen the Sore, lay on Pultises or Plaisters; or rather first Pultises, and then Plaisters, when it tends to suppuration; which should be renew’d every twelve hours at least. For Pultises
If when the Tumor is ripen’d, it do not soon break of it self, it is best to openit by Incision; and when it is broken, put in a Pledget dipp’d in Turpentine mix’d with the Yolk of an Egg; or dress it with Basilicon alone, or the Liniment of Arceus. A Carbuncle, which is the other kind of Plague-Sore, which requires the operation of the hand, happens but seldom in any of the Emunctories [and when it does it portends ill] but useth to be in most places else: It ariseth with angry Pustules sometimes many; which soon grow discolour’d and tend to Mortification, and the substance mortified must be cast out, and then the hollow Ulcer which remains must be healed. When a Carbuncle first appears, Diemerbroek commends to be applied to it for the first and second day, a Red Colewort Leaf, smear’d over with Rape Oyl: The same Author mentions a Pultis which he us’d for the most part, renewing it three or four times in four and twenty hours, till the Core was taken out; and then Digestive Medicines, and others succeedingly are to be us’d, as in other Ulcers.
FINISERRATAPag. 34 line 2 for four Ounces, read three Ounces. P. 35 l. 14 Butter Roots, r. Butter-Bur Roots. P.38 l.13 for half and Ounce, r. half a Scruple. P. 39 l. 7 for BoleArmenick, r. Bole Armoniack. P. 65 l. 13 for causeth the swelling, r. causeth swelling. P. 69 l.6 for open’d, r. ripen’d
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